Friday, 19 July 2019

What are the Benefits of using React Js?

ReactJS platform is an amazing JavaScript framework that helps to make the development process easier. It opens new ways and several possibilities to make developers more creative & productive. It takes third place among the most popular JavaScript libraries and development tools. Recognition among professionals makes this technology a decent choice for building web apps.


Components Support

ReactJS is an excellent combination of HTML tags with JavaScript, that makes it easy to understand for the community of developers. HTML tags and JS codes together make it easy to deal with a vast set of data containing a document object model. During this, ReactJS works as a mediator which represents the DOM and enables to decide which component needs changes to get the exact results.

Data Binding

It is easier to debug self-contained components of large ReactJS applications because it uses the one-way data binding. In ReactJS, an application architecture called Flux controls the flow of data to components through one control point which called the dispatcher. 


Continuously research & development and several improvements on the ReactJs helps it to become more SEO friendly. It improves the quality of mobile and web applications by build excellent User Interfaces. Search engines like the high-quality pages and interfaces hence it helps to increase the SEO ranking. 

Lightweight DOM

It does not use the browser but allows developers to handle the existing DOM( Document Object Model) version which is available in the memory. This function improves the performance of the application and embraces the flawless implementation of the DOM.

Codebrahma – a leading React JS development company offers the premium react js development services at a reasonable price. We build web and mobile applications with the help of high-tech modern technology and talented experienced developers.

Wednesday, 10 July 2019

Why React Native is Better Choice For Building Web Apps?

React Native is a framework that is used to build web applications for iOS, Android and UWP. It uses javascript interfaces to leverage features like access to the phone camera and location. It makes the entire app building process faster by using its unique development and code sharing function. There are several reasons to choose React Native for app building such as :

* Allows Single Environment for Multiple Platform

React Native facilitates cross-platform native app development, i.e. the code written for one platform can be used on another platform.

* Facilitates Building Cost-effective Apps

React Native empower businesses to build cost-effective mobile apps without any compromise with the look and feel of the mobile application. Moreover, it enables developers to lessen the burden of creating new logics, besides integrating different APIs for two different platforms.

* Helps Developers Optimize App Efficiency

React Native seamlessly combines with components written in Swift, Java, or Objective-C. You may also simply try building part of your app in React Native, and part of it using the native code directly – a great way to optimize a few aspects of your mobile app and boost efficiency.

* Decodes the Uniformity of App Experience Myth

Are you obsessed with building identical mobile apps for iOS and Android with fearing a bad user experience? If you are thinking so then don’t worry because react native make it easy to create applications with smooth & sleek user-interface.

* Supports Low Maintenance App that Stays in Sync

With native code bases, many times your iOS and Android apps are likely to get out of sync. This is in most cases is connected to real-world problems such as a developer quitting the job, going on vacation or over-enthusiastically adding a new feature – leading the app to go out of sync. But with React Native, you can stay clear from indulging in over-staffing and such low priority issues.

* A Long-Term Viable Player

As the momentum for React Native grows, it is quietly and steadily becoming the reality of many apps in the App Store and Play Store. And the community is becoming stronger by the day – Thanks to endeavors by Facebook to involve numerous resources, tooling, components, books, best practices, and services for React Native developers and products.

Hire React Native developers from Codebrahma – a leading react native development company in Bangalore. We are a team of talented react native experts with quality experience of building applications for platforms like iOS and Android. Our motive is to give the highest quality work to clients with long-term support & relation.

What are the Benefits of using React Js?

ReactJS platform is an amazing JavaScript framework that helps to make the development process easier. It opens new ways and severa...