Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Node.JS: Everything You Must Know

It often happens that new technologies gain momentum & attract attention in the beginning but passes into extinction later. But that’s not the case with Node.JS. There are countless reasons to use it for development purpose. Well, if you don’t know what exactly node.js is, then let us start with the brief description – It is a server-side platform built on Google Chrome's JavaScript Engine (V8 Engine) used for easily building fast & scalable network applications.

Key Features of Node.JS:

  • Asynchronous & Event Driven:- All APIs are asynchronous i.e. it doesn't wait for results and doesn't block other calls. This implies that server never waits for an API to return data. By using notification mechanism of Events, the server gets a response from the previous API calls.

  • Extremely Fast:- As it is built on Google Chrome's V8 JavaScript Engine, its libraries are extremely fast in executing JavaScript code. Although its non-blocking way of handling code execution also makes it very fast.

  • High Scalability:- Because of its server-side non-blocking event mechanism, it is highly scalable.

  • Open Source Community:- Node.js is an open source platform with excellent modules – which makes it very popular. 

Things to know about Node.JS:

  • Popular JSON:
Well, if you are a Javascript developer, you must be aware of the JSON(Javascript Object Notation) – the most robust, compound and popular data exchange format, that enabled the Javascript developers to quickly construct APIs, accomplishing the prime objective of developing Node.JS.

Although Javascript & JSON has augmented the significance of each other to a new level. Its dependence for data description gave rise to document-oriented NoSQL databases such as MongoDB and CouchDB.

  • All JavaScript:
JavaScript – a quirky, object-oriented, C-like language, is widely used for developing applications in the browser. The major role of JavaScript is to help Node.JS in handling the event loop mechanism in a straightforward way. Although it helps us to run across every OS environment with ease. Hence, it simplifies the model & leads to increased productivity.

  • Sharing is encouraged:
Being an open source community, Node.JS is ready to share any packages of code. Any developer can publish code & create modules in a public repository to share the code under the MIT open source license.

  • Working of NPM:
Node Package Manager is included by default in Node. It is the root of almost all deployment systems comprising a command line and a database of packages. It helps in the easy moving of smaller applications between providers.

If you want to know more about Node.JS or want to leverage this powerful technology for your business, hire node.js developer from Codebrahma. Our Professionals will provide you with the highly scalable solutions to navigate your business to new heights.

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