Thursday, 21 June 2018

Node.JS – Everything You Need To Know About

Node.JS is a JavaScript run-time built on Chrome’s V8 Javascript engine – includes everything you need to execute a program written in JavaScript.

Initially, with JavaScript, the developers were able to run the code only in the browser. But with its extension for development of node.js, the code can be easily executed on the machine as a stand-alone application.

Why Node.JS?

Talking about key performance for web servers, Latency, scalability & throughput are three indicators. Node.JS uses a single-threaded, non-blocking, asynchronous programming which makes it memory efficient. As a result, it achieves low latency & high throughput. Also, it works on a principle called the event loop which makes it extremely scalable. Let us consider a common task to open a file on the server and return the content to the client:

In such scenario, PHP works in the following manner –

1. Firstly it sends the task to the PC’s file system
2. It waits until the system opens & reads the file.
3. The requested content is returned to the client
4. Then handles the next request.

However, Node.js handles it efficiently –

1. Initially, it sends the task to the computer file system
2. And immediately get ready to handle the next request
3. In the meanwhile, when the file system opens & reads the file, the requested content is returned to the client by the server.

Thus, Node.js wastes no time or resources on waiting. With Node.JS, one can generate dynamic page content along with the capability to add, delete, modify data in your database.

Though with its JavaScript built-in asynchronous processing, developers can create powerful server-side solutions for servicing more concurrent requests. WebSockets are open 2-way communication channels between the client and the server. Thus, node ensures excellent runtime performance making it a great fit for heavy I/O workflows such as RTAs (Real-time Applications) including chats, collaboration apps & SPAs (Single-page Applications).

Along with this, due to its fast performance & lightweight, it is widely preferred for microservices server such as API gateway.

So are you too up to build a real-time application? Hire node.js developer from Codebrahma. With our expertise in almost all popular Node JS development frameworks, we have successfully developed scalable Real-time apps.

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